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Gastric Bypass



Gastric Bypass is one of the most popular surgical methods in the treatment of obesity in recent yeaers. It is planned to prevent diseases such as obesity-related diabetes in this procedure, in which the stomach volume is reduced and fat absorption is reduced. Before this procedure, the patient’s suitability for surgery should be planned and the process should be best managed. 
The main purposes of gastric bypass are to reduce the internal volume of the stomach, to achieve a feeling of fullness in a short time, to remove a part of the intestines and to expel the consumed food without absorption. This surgical method provides very effective and permanent results, and it completely changes the patient’s diet.
This surgical procedure is especially suitable for patients who want to lose weight quickly. It enables patients to have a healthier life.

How Is Gastric Bypass Performed?

Gastric bypass is performed with the laparoscopic (closed) method.
Gastric Bypass is an obesity surgery performed under general anesthesia.
In this surgery, 4-6 holes with a diameter of 1 cm are drilled into the stomach to reach the surrounding tissues.
While imaging and examination are performed with some of the surgical instruments, the operation is completed with the others.
The stomach is divided into two parts so that 5% remains at the junction of the stomach with the esophagus.
Two parts of the stomach remain inside. The newly formed stomach is connected to the small intestine.
After gastric bypass surgery, the patient should stay in the hospital for 3-5 days. All medical care and controls are carried out during the hospitalization process. In order for the surgery to be successful, you should pay attention to the nutritional advices of your doctor.


Deciding to have gastric bypass surgery is concluded with the joint decision of the patient and specialist physicians. Before gastric bypass, patients who are scheduled for surgery are physically examined and evaluated by psychiatrists. This surgery, which will create a great change, can affect the patient in many ways. Patients who have undergone a detailed scan are prepared for surgery after approval by the physicians. A more reliable surgical process awaits with the specialist physicians and professional services of SEPOCTO.
In Gastric Bypass surgeries, robotic surgery and gastric bypass laparoscopic method are preferred and the priority in surgeries is which method will be more suitable for the patient. That’s why it is very important to meet with our specialist physicians. Gastric Bypass surgery requires at least 5-6 days of follow-up, especially after surgery.
At the same time, there are many issues that the patient should pay attention to after the surgery. Gastric Bypass surgery requires at least 5-6 days of follow-up, especially after surgery. Also, nutritional plans are given to patients who prefer SEPOCTO for Gastric Bypass surgery, which they should pay attention to until the first examination by a dietitian before they are discharged from hospital. All our patients who have undergone bariatric surgery are followed closely by our psychiatrists, nutritionists and endocrinologists during the first year.


Gastric bypass is one of the most popular surgical methods in the treatment of obesity in recent years. This procedure, which reduces the volume of the stomach and reduces fat absorption, is intended to prevent diseases such as obesity-related diabetes. Before this procedure, the patient’s suitability for the surgery should be planned and the process should be managed in the best possible way.
The main objectives of gastric bypass are to reduce the internal volume of the stomach, achieve a feeling of satiety in a short time, remove part of the intestine and eliminate the ingested food without absorption. This surgical method provides very effective and long-lasting results and completely changes the patient’s diet. This surgical procedure is especially suitable for patients who want to lose weight quickly. It allows patients to live a healthier life.


Gastric bypass is performed using the laparoscopic (closed) method.
Gastric bypass is an obesity surgery performed under general anesthesia.
During this surgery, 4-6 holes with a diameter of 1 cm are drilled into the stomach to reach the surrounding tissue.
While imaging and examination are performed with one part of the surgical instruments, the others are used to complete the surgery.
The stomach is divided into two parts, leaving 5% at the junction of the stomach with the esophagus.
Two parts of the stomach remain inside. The newly formed stomach is connected to the small intestine.
After gastric bypass surgery, the patient should stay in the hospital for 3-5 days. During the hospital stay, all medical treatments and checkups are performed. In order for the surgery to be successful, you should follow your doctor’s dietary recommendations.


It is extremely important that the doctor knows the mechanism of the gastric glands and the functioning of the digestive system, that he/she is specialized in the adjustable gastric band and that he/she is able to intervene professionally in the stomach pouch.
Deciding which of the different types of bariatric surgery is appropriate also requires expertise. In addition, it is important for the patient to inform the physician if he or she has medical conditions such as type 2 diabetes and hypertension.
Initial observation and treatment will take place during the hospital stay. It is also important to follow the information about the amount of food to be consumed daily. If you pay attention to your diet and exercise and take the recommended supplements regularly, you will prevent health problems related to vitamin and mineral deficiencies.


The decision to have gastric bypass surgery is a joint decision between the patient and the specialists. Prior to gastric bypass surgery, patients scheduled for surgery undergo physical examinations and are evaluated by psychiatrists.
Gastric bypass surgery, which will bring a big change, can affect the patient in many ways. Patients who have undergone a detailed examination are prepared for the surgery after the doctors have given their approval. With the specialized doctors and professional services of SEPOCTO, you can expect a reliable surgical process. In gastric bypass surgeries, robotic surgery or gastric bypass laparoscopic method can be preferred, and the priority in surgeries is which method will be more suitable for the patient. Therefore, it is very important to meet with our specialists. Gastric bypass surgery requires at least 5-6 days of follow-up, especially after surgery.
At the same time, there are many issues that the patient should pay attention to after the surgery. Gastric bypass surgery requires at least 5-6 days of aftercare follow-up, especially after surgery. In addition, patients who prefer SEPOCTO for gastric bypass surgery are given diet plans to follow until their first examination by a dietitian before being discharged from the hospital.
All of our patients who have undergone bariatric surgery are closely monitored by our psychiatrists, dietitians and endocrinologists during the first year.


Any surgical procedure carries risks, albeit smaller ones. That is why physicians want to examine their patients with all examinations before the operation. For this reason, it is not right to think that every surgery has a certain bad outcome. Your doctor will decide if you can have the surgery based on the tests and examinations he/she has performed. In this way, possible risks are minimized.
Complications occur in about 10% of patients who undergo gastric bypass surgery. More serious complications are rare.
Common and acceptable complications can be treated. In general, we can list the risks that may occur as follows;
In bariatric surgery, as in many other abdominal surgeries, complications such as bleeding, infection, intestinal obstruction, hernia and complications of general anesthesia may occur after the procedure.
The most serious of all risks is leakage, which can occur at the junction of the stomach and small intestine. When such a symptom occurs, a second surgery is often necessary for the patient.
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