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Gastric Balloon



Gastric balloon is one of the bariatric or weight loss surgeries that aim to lose weight. This method is considered one of the alternative methods of treating obesity. Nowadays, general surgeons perform the use of a gastric balloon so that patients struggling with obesity can return to their normal lives.
In this operation, a balloon is inserted into the stomach via endoscopy and inflated in the stomach. The main purpose is to make the patient feel fuller and relieve the feeling of bloating in the stomach. In this way, the possibilities of weight loss are also accelerated, as patients constantly feel full.
Thanks to the volume of the balloon, people who want to lose weight can reach their dream weight sooner by eating fewer portions that fill the stomach. It is important that the patient adopts a healthy and regular eating habit, as the gastric balloon remains in the stomach for a long time, about 6-12 months. The gastric balloon procedure has a great effect on weight loss. This operation is performed in patients aged from 18 to 65 years. Insertion of the gastric balloon takes an average of 10-15 minutes under sedation in the endoscopy unit.

Gastric Balloon Operation for Weight Loss

Gastric balloon has become one of the most preferred surgeries, especially in recent years. This method, which is one of the obesity treatments, has very few risks. So, how is gastric balloon operation performed? A balloon is placed into the stomach through endoscopy with anesthesia appropriate for the person. Then the balloon is inflated with serum. The balloon is made entirely by specialists and remains in the stomach for about 6 months. Contact us for a successful weight loss surgery with SEPOCTO specialists.


There are 4 different Types of Intragastric Balloons. The gastric balloon is usually recommended for patients who want to lose weight but do not want to undergo gastric surgery. This procedure is performed via endoscopy without need for a surgical operation. Patients show improvement after a short time and can return to their daily routine. However, there is an age restriction for this procedure. Patients must be at least 18 years old and no more than 70 years old. It is also desirable to have a body mass index above 27.
Gastric balloon operation offers 4 different application options:
For 6 months
For 12 months
Ellipse can be swallowed
The goal of this operation, it is to lose 10 to 25 kilos in 6 months to 1 year by shaping the stomach like a balloon.
Gastric Balloon Procedures in Turkey with SEPOCTO.
Gastric balloon operations are not procedures that you can decide for yourself. You should consult a specialist especially before such important procedures. SEPOCTO doctors will listen to you first and foremost and will perform a series of tests to decide if you are suitable for this procedure.
In this way, if there is no problem, the decision will be made for the operation. This method is generally preferred because it carries fewer risks. It should be used only if it is recommended to you by a specialist physician.
Having a balloon in the stomach after the operation will not be enough for you to lose weight. Therefore, you should definitely get support from a nutritionist and support your weight loss process with exercise. Thanks to this operation, you will feel full more easily and with exercise and new healthy eating habits you will lose weight in a short time.


Gastric balloon prices may vary depending on how long the balloon stays in your body and which physician performed it. There are different prices for these balloons that remain in your body for a specific period of time. So, if you consult your doctor before the procedure, you will be able to get an idea about gastric balloon 2022 prices.
This simple procedure will help you to have a healthier and fitter body. And if you get your habits in order, it will continue to have an effect even after the balloon is removed. The important thing is that you can maintain this condition through regular and healthy eating habits.
The balloon makes the stomach feel like a balloon and it inflates easily even with small snacks. At this point, the patient can also learn to control their appetite. These operations can be performed by specialized doctors in 15 minutes. It allows patients to continue their lives without being disconnected from everyday life.
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