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DHI Hair Transplant



DHI hair transplantation is a procedure that is performed with a carefully manufactured DHI Implanter or CHOI Pen for transplantation. This procedure is one of the most popular and preferred methods for patients who want to get their hair transplanted. The grafts taken from the donor area through the Micro FUE hair transplantation method are carried directly out to the area where the hair transplantation will be performed.
The grafts that are taken from the patient are transplanted into the hair follicles with these special pens. Channel opening is not performed in DHI hair transplantation. After the tip of the pen containing the graft penetrates the skin, the graft is shifted to the skin and the transplantation process is done.
The operation is performed under local anesthesia, and it takes 6 to 8 hours. By virtue of this procedure, which is performed in professional clinics in Turkey, the patient gets a new look by getting rid of his weak-looking hair.

How is DHI Hair Transplant Performed? 

After checking the patient’s medical history, it is determined whether he/she is suitable for the procedure. As a result of the examination by the doctor, the operation process will be planned by considering the patient’s age, gender, and reasons for hair loss.
The patient’s natural hairline and the hairline in his wishes are determined. Depending on the hair loss situation, it will be decided how many grafts are needed and from which areas grafts will be taken.


Before the operation, the tests that are determined by your doctor will be applied, your hair in the donor area will be cut and then your scalp will be cleaned.


Hair transplantation would be a painless process for some patients, but it would be a painful process for others. Needle-free local anesthesia method can be used for patients who cannot stand the pain.


Hair follicles smaller than 1 diameter are taken from the donor areas with a device called “micromotor”.


Hair follicles that are taken from the patient are placed one by one with special pens. In DHI hair transplantation, hair follicles are transplanted directly into the recipient area by using a 1 mm or smaller diameter pen called Choi Implanter, without creating a hole or slit beforehand.


The recovery process after DHI, which is one of the solution methods for both female pattern baldness and male pattern hair loss, is not challenging. As it is a minimally invasive procedure, some side effects will be experienced, but these do not negatively affect daily life. Hair transplantation is performed according to the type of hair loss, and then antibiotic treatment is applied to the recipient area.
Hair implantation is completed in an average of 7-8 hours, this period may vary depending on factors such as the duration of anesthesia, the number of grafts, and the condition of the sebaceous glands. The type of hair loss, the degree of thinning hair, The health status of the bald spots, and the competence of the plastic surgeon also have an effect on both the duration of the operation and the healing process. Hair washing is done on the first or second day.
Pain and tenderness may be felt in both the donor area and the recipient area. Redness and bleeding may also be experienced in the first days. It is normal and common to have such side effects after hair transplant procedures. Full recovery after hair transplantation will take approximately 1 to 1.5 years.
SEPOCTO, which promises a treatment with modern and sterile clinical settings and successful surgeons, is with you from all hair transplantation processes, from consultation to post-operative care. You can contact us for detailed information about modern hair transplantation techniques such as FUE, Sapphire FUE, and DHI.


While the grafts which are taken from the patient are added directly to the recipient in the DHI technique, a special solution is kept in the FUE. There is no extra canal opening in the DHI process. By virtue of the pen that is used in the operation, the two steps applied in FUE are handled in one step.
Since the CHOI pen is preferred in DHI hair transplantation, bleeding does not occur.
Unlike FUE, there is no crusting or pitting in DHI.
The recovery process is faster in DHI. The patient can return to his/her daily life more quickly.
While the donor area of the patient is shaved before FUE hair transplantation, there is no need for shaving in DHI hair transplantation.
While the maximum number of grafts is around 2,500 grafts in one session with DHI, this number can go up to 5,000 grafts in FUE. The patient who needs less grafts will prefer DHI hair transplantation.


Turkey is one of the countries that provide a wide range of services in the field of health tourism. It has a quality health system, experienced staff, and an affordable price system where you can be treated without long waiting lines. SEPOCTO is one of the professional clinics that is serving in the field of health tourism. As a result of the service you receive from us, you can have healthy hair and achieve the look you desire.
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