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All-on-4 and All-on-6 Dental Treatment



All-on-4 and All-on-6 are two different dental treatments that are designed to replace missing teeth using dental implants. The implants are strategically placed at an angle to provide maximum stability and to avoid the need for bone grafting in areas where there may be insufficient bone density. Once the implants have healed, a custom-made denture is attached to the implants, providing a permanent, long-lasting solution to missing teeth. The artificial teeth used in these implant treatments are designed to look like natural teeth and provide patients with a confident smile. All-on-4 and All-on-6 treatments can last for many years and provide patients with a permanent solution for missing teeth.

What are All-on-4 and All-on-6 Dental Treatments?

All-on-4 and All-on-6 are dental implant treatments used to replace an entire arch of missing teeth, typically the upper or lower arch. The names refer to the number of implants used in each treatment. All on 4 uses four dental implants to support a full arch of replacement teeth, while all on 6 dental implants use six implants. Both treatments involve the placement of dental implants, which are small, screw-like posts made of titanium or other biocompatible materials. These implants are surgically placed into the jawbone and serve as a sturdy foundation for the replacement teeth. Once the implants have been placed, a custom-made dental prosthesis, which can be a bridge, temporary denture, or fixed hybrid denture, is attached to the implants to replace the missing teeth.
All on 6 and all on 4 dental implants are designed to provide patients with a full mouth of replacement teeth using a minimal number of dental implants. This makes the treatments less invasive, less time-consuming, and less expensive compared to traditional implant treatments, which may require multiple implants to replace a full arch of missing teeth. For detailed information about the all on 4 dental implants cost and all on 6 dental implants cost, you can schedule a free consultation. 


Both treatments are suitable for patients with sufficient jawbone density, but patients who lack sufficient bone density may require additional bone grafting procedures before receiving the implants. It is important to follow the dentist’s recommendations all on 6 dental implants before and after. Dentists or oral surgeons can help determine if all-on-4 dental implants or all-on-6 is right for you based on your individual dental needs and overall health.
All-on-6 and all on 4 dental implant treatments can be a viable option for many people who have experienced significant tooth loss, but each person’s individual situation should be assessed by a qualified dentist. In general, good candidates for all-on-4 and all-on-6 dental implants should have several characteristics. Sufficient healthy bone structure to support dental implants, good oral health, general well-being, and the absence of uncontrolled chronic diseases such as diabetes or heart disease is essential for this treatment.
It is important to remember that every patient’s situation is different and a thorough evaluation with a qualified dental specialist is required to determine whether all on 4 vs all on 6 dental implants are the best treatment option for your specific needs.


The All-on-4 and All-on-6 dental implant procedures are similar, and both involve the surgical placement of dental implants into the jawbone to support a full arch of replacement teeth. The key difference between the two procedures is the number of implants used to support the arch of teeth. All-on-4 uses four implants, while All-on-6 uses six implants. The all on 4 dental implants and All-on-6 procedures follow certain steps in their execution.
Initial Consultation: The dental care professional will evaluate your oral health, take X-rays and scans of your mouth, and discuss your treatment options.
Treatment Planning: The dental professional will develop a customized treatment plan for your specific case, including the number of implants needed, the type of replacement teeth, and the expected timeline.
Implant Placement: On the day of the dental procedure, the dental professional will surgically place the dental implants into the jawbone in a strategic and precise location to maximize support for the replacement teeth.
Temporary Replacement Teeth: After the implants are placed, a temporary set of replacement teeth will be attached to the implants to provide function and aesthetics while the implants heal and integrate with the jawbone.
Permanent Replacement Teeth: Once the implants have fully integrated with the jawbone (usually 3-6 months after implant placement), a permanent set of teeth will be attached to the implants to complete the treatment.
Follow-up Care: Regular follow-up visits with the dental treatment professional will be necessary to ensure the implants and replacement teeth are functioning properly and to maintain good oral health. The All-on-4 and All-on-6 procedures are typically performed under general anesthesia and can be completed in a single day, allowing patients to leave with a functional set of temporary teeth. However, the entire treatment process may take several months to complete, depending on the individual case.


After All-on-4 or All-on-6 dental implant treatment, it is important to follow good oral hygiene habits to ensure the long-term success of the implants and replacement teeth. There are some important points to be considered after the procedure.
Oral Hygiene: Regular brushing, flossing, and rinsing with an antimicrobial mouthwash are important for maintaining good oral health and preventing infection. Your dental professional will provide instructions on how to care for your implants and replacement teeth.
Follow-up Visits: Regular follow-up visits with your dental professional are necessary to ensure the implants and replacement teeth are functioning properly and to detect any potential problems early on.
Dietary Restrictions: For the first few weeks after the procedure, it is recommended to avoid hard or crunchy foods that could damage the temporary replacement teeth. Your dental professional will provide specific dietary instructions based on your individual case.
Smoking Cessation: Smoking can increase the risk of implant failure and other oral health problems, so it is recommended to quit smoking or use other tobacco products after the procedure.
Maintenance and Repairs: Over time, the replacement teeth may require adjustments or repairs due to wear and tear. Regular maintenance visits with your dental professional can help to ensure the longevity of the implants and replacement teeth. Overall, with proper care and maintenance, on 4 and all on-6 dental implant treatments can provide a stable, long-lasting, and effective solution to missing teeth that can improve chewing function, enhance facial aesthetics, and boost self-confidence. SEPOCTO is happy to provide you with a free consultation and determine the right treatment for you. For information about all on 4 dental implant costs and implant treatment in Turkey, please contact us. Experience the power of a confident smile with all-on-4 & all-on-6 dental implants. Schedule your consultation today!

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry procedures allow you to have a good smile by removing stains or discoloration and by correcting worn, chipped, broken, misaligned, deformed, or cracked teeth. Thanks to smiling aesthetics, your smile is basically improved.
Common cosmetic dental procedures:
Teeth whitening,
Dental veneer,
Dental bonding,
Tooth crown,
Tooth contouring.
After the consultation and medical examination, the dentists will start your treatment by making plans for you to have an aesthetic smile.

What Does It Used for Cosmetic Dentistry?

Dental procedures are at a very advanced level today. Cosmetic Dentistry works in this field by covering many branches of dentistry. The main purpose of cosmetic dentistry practices is to make a person’s smile and tooth structure more beautiful while solving dental problems. In advanced levels of the process, smile design applications can be applied.
In this process, various methods are used, especially the dental bonding method. These procedures are used to fix fractures and cracks by making corrections on the teeth without damaging the tooth structure. Cosmetic dentistry comes to the fore in these procedures.
Porcelain laminates (Laminate Veneers) are used for aesthetic tooth designs. With these laminates, maximum aesthetic effects are gained by giving minimum damage to the teeth.
Gums are as important as teeth in smile design. The priority in the process is to gain and maintain the health of the gums. With aesthetic tooth designs, teeth are subjected to color, position, size and shape changes, zirconium, ceramic, or lamina veneer procedures.
There are also many people who prefer to whiten their teeth with products such as whitening kits, teeth whitening strips, or whitening toothpaste. Such solutions can also work, treatments under cosmetic dentistry promise better and more successful results compared to teeth whitening products.
While professional dental bleaching (at-home bleaching and in-office whitening) procedures promise brighter teeth to look, zirconia crowns or porcelain veneers offer a more aesthetic smile.


The procedures performed for aesthetic smile designs are as follows:
First, the patient’s tooth structure and shape are examined. If it is necessary, the disorders in the tooth sequence are corrected with orthodontics.
In the next stage, the gaps between the patient’s teeth are closed with diastema closure (especially without cutting the teeth).
If the gum is not healthy; gingival problems and size irregularities will be fixed.
Necessary harmony between teeth and lip/cheek is achieved.
If there are broken or crooked teeth, they are treated with laminate veneers, ceramic veneers, or zirconium veneers.
Broken teeth can be restored with aesthetic composite restorations without cutting.
If there are color differences in the teeth, whitening is applied to the discolored teeth.
If the patient has missing teeth, implants or bridge prostheses are made to replace the missing teeth. Thus, complete tooth structure is ensured.
At the end of the process, if it is necessary, botox and dermal filler procedures can be performed with the approval of the person.  


The effect you have on people is related to your smile. The self-confidence of the person is reflected in his/her smile. The alignment and the color of our teeth are very important for our smile to be remarkable. Cosmetic Dentistry has important duties in this respect.
There are many factors that affect smile design. Age, gender, facial features of the person, gums, and the color of teeth are important factors. It is impossible to talk about an effective smile for people with gum problems.
Some people’s gums are visible when smiling. There are operations for correcting the visible gingiva issue, which improves the problem of sensitive teeth.


There are certain items in the field of Cosmetic Dentistry. The substance used differs according to the area to be treated and the purpose. The substance called felspathic is used for aesthetic purposes. For anterior teeth, additional lithium disilicates are also used.
Zirconium material is preferred when durability is aimed. Zirconium or zirconium dioxide is used to suppress the stains and the dark stains on the teeth.
Cosmetic Dentistry also evaluates the request of the person. Many aesthetic tooth designs are developed by an aesthetic dentist. Cosmetic Dentistry designs the most suitable porcelain for the person.
Cosmetic Dentistry undertakes the design of many items for bright and white teeth. Cosmetic Dentistry offer aesthetically rich solutions such as teeth whitening, conversion of amalgam filling to white filling, and porcelain laminate. Whitening is also available.


Bonding is the name that is given to the process of adding composite materials to the teeth. It is one of the applications of aesthetic tooth designs. Composite is also used in the white filling. It is also used to close the spaces between the teeth and to color the teeth.


It is a ceramic veneer method on the tooth, and it is one of the most preferred types by Cosmetic Dentistry. It is generally used for single-tooth veneer. The only downside is that it is not as durable as others. For this reason, it is mostly preferred in anterior teeth. It is a very successful procedure in terms of aesthetics.


There are many types of porcelain teeth. The ones that provide the best aesthetic appearance are:
A full ceramic empress tooth veneer
Porcelain tooth veneer with zirconium infrastructure
Porcelain laminate veneers  


Within the scope of cosmetic dentistry, consultation, examination, treatment, and aftercare stages are included in the treatment process. After the doctor-patient meeting, a dental examination is made. 3D imaging and dental x-rays might be taken.
Dental defects, if any, should be repaired first. If there is a carious tooth problem, the root canals are cleaned and a filling is applied. Aesthetic corrections are made afterward. The treatment plan varies from patient to patient.
During the healing process after dental treatment, it is important for the patient to follow some aftercare rules. What should be done after the treatment also varies according to the type of operation. All patients must fulfill oral health requirements.
The patient should brush his/her teeth regularly and pay attention to oral hygiene. In addition, beverages that cause discoloration such as red wine, coffee, and fruit juice should not be consumed after bleaching.
You can contact SEPOCTO, one of the most preferred boutique clinics in the field of cosmetic dentistry and get detailed information about dental treatments.
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